Successful campaigns need volunteers.
Not only are people a substitute for money, but they also create enthusiasm around the campaign and energize the candidate.
That’s why Democrats are terrified that they can’t even bribe people to volunteer for Kamala Harris.
Enthusiasm in politics is difficult to measure, but you know it when you see it.
Whether you love him or hate him, you have to admit that Obama was almost supernatural in attracting people to his campaign in 2008.
Donald Trump has been attracting enthusiastic volunteers and rally crowds since 2016.
Even COVID could not keep Trump supporters at bay.
But this year has been horrible for Democrats, who have not been able to muster any enthusiastic supporters.
It seems like the only thing they can agree on is that the “orange man is bad,” but this doesn’t create enthusiasm for their ground game operations.
MSNBC GUEST: Democrats can’t find volunteers to help with the Biden campaign. No one wants to help. There’s no enthusiasm.
— Election Wizard (@ElectionWiz) July 19, 2024
Harris was such a disliked candidate when she ran for the Democrat nomination in 2020 that she dropped out before the Iowa Caucus and was polling at less than 1% support.
Her time in the Vice President’s office has done nothing to ingratiate herself with the Democrat faithful.
Many supporters are questioning if she is even “black.”
Her father was Jamaican, but he disowned his own daughter after she mocked his countrymen for doing nothing but smoking pot.
Her mother is from India and raised her in Canada.
One marker of the seriousness of the “enthusiasm gap” is the lack of protests at the GOP Convention in Milwaukee.
Even the very leftist Atlantic Magazine noticed how they were not holding protests against Trump:
The “official protest zone, located a few blocks from the Republican National Convention, was like a scene from some post apocalyptic tale. This afternoon’s designated protest zone was a wide, mostly empty expanse of lush grass. In the middle stood a charming gazebo equipped with a microphone and sound system. But nobody appeared to be speaking. Orange-shirted security staff paced the premises, but they really could have saved their energy. There was no one to secure,” they wrote.
Democrats love to call Republicans “fascists.”
They use this to justify all sorts of mayhem and violence.
But they could not get more than a few hundred of the Antifa faithful to show up at an anti-Trump rally.
The problem the Democrats have now is time.
There is very little time to find a replacement and put a ground game in place to take on Donald Trump.
Nothing the Democrats have tried has seemed to work.
Their attempt to prosecute the former President has failed spectacularly.
All of their claims about Russian collusion have been shown to be an absolute sham.
Even a crazed shooter could not stop the Trump juggernaut.
And there is a very real record of a lack of accomplishment.
The border is a mess, the economy is bad, and inflation is out of control.
Everything Biden has done has been for rich Democrat elites.
Rank and file voters are suffering.
As a result, Democrats can’t get people to help out at field offices with bribes of hats, shirts, coffee or food.
Only time will tell if this lack of enthusiasm continues for the Democrats.
Patriot Political will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.