The liberal media is still fawning over Kamala Harris.
They’re running cover for her lack of policy ideas.
But the New York Times just went after Kamala Harris for one shocking reason.
“Is Joy a Strategy?”
There are three things the Democrats are running on this year:
- Abortion is to be celebrated;
- Republicans are weird;
- Kamala Harris is joyful.
These were the only real take-aways from the Democrat National Convention in Chicago.
Kudos to the Democrat strategist who rebranded Kamala Harris’ nervous cackle as “giving and sharing joy.”
But the reality is that most people just found it annoying.
Kamala Harris is dancing around and not talking about serious policy problems and her record has now been rebranded as part of her “joy” strategy.
Of course, most people are not buying it.
But what is interesting is that one of the most influential newspapers of the liberal elite is not impressed with this strategy.
And they are calling her out on it.
In a shocking editorial, the New York Times gave a solid thumbs down on joy.
The New York Times Attacks the Democrats
Deputy Opinion Editor Patrick Healy took clear aim at Kamala Harris’ campaign in this editorial.
“If the Democratic convention’s message for America had to fit on a bumper sticker, it would read, ‘Harris is joy,'” he was quoted as saying in the Post Millennial. “The word has gone from being a nice descriptor of Democratic energy to being a rhetorical two-by-four thumped on voters’ heads.”
According to the New York Times, the word “joy” was used over 50 times in the three days of speeches at the DNC.
But the Democrats hardly said the words inflation or immigration.
They also did not talk about the economy very much as opposed to the Republicans, who mentioned it very often according to the word count.
The New York Times is concerned that Harris is still a lightweight when it comes to talking to reporters or voters.
In the editorial, he said that “she hasn’t been tested — really tested — since Biden stepped aside. She hasn’t given a single interview or news conference to face hard questions. But it’s really the debates that will be her test. Her advisers think she might get away with doing just one against Trump. I think they underestimate her challenge in earning voters’ trust.”
Only time will tell if Kamala Harris actually goes through with her pledge to participate in two debates against Trump.
With time ticking down, the stakes are high.
There’s not much time to recover from a major gaffe, and there’s certainly not enough time to anoint another non-elected candidate.
Team Harris may be able to get a bump by appearing as joyful, but there are still two months of scrutiny between now and the election.
Patriot Political will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.