Donald Trump is grinning from ear-to-ear over the Democrats’ new strategy for explaining all the videos of Joe Biden’s cognitive decline

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve seen tons of videos over the past few years of Joe Biden’s significant physical and cognitive decline.

This is obviously not ideal for Democrats and their effort to convince voters that Joe Biden is as sharp as ever.

Donald Trump is grinning from ear-to-ear over the Democrats’ new strategy for explaining all the videos of Joe Biden’s cognitive decline.

So much “vigor”

After Special Counsel Robert Hur admitted he declined to charge President Joe Biden for mishandling classified documents as both a Senator and Vice President because he believed no jury would convict someone suffering from his level of cognitive decline, the Democrats and their media pals were backed into a corner.

They’ve tried for years to brush off those who pointed out Biden’s apparent decline in hopes that they could just get him across the finish line in November.

But with Hur’s admission and Biden continuing to trail Trump in poll after poll, the regime couldn’t afford to sit on its hands.

As Fox News pointed out, Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre called Hur a “Republican prosecutor” and suggested that Biden could do more in one hour than most others do in an entire day.

The White House Press Corps did their part as well.

They asked Jean-Pierre during that same press briefing if Biden happened to display a different level of “vigor” behind closed doors.

“I spoke already about my experience with him, and just to answer your question, I have spent countless hours with this President, whether in the Oval Office or on the road, and I have to say he’s sharp, he’s engaged, [and] he pushes us for information,” she claimed, before again reiterating that she believes Biden is “sharp” and “on top of things.”

The narrative that Biden is “sharp” and “on top of things” in private has been what Democrats and their media allies have stuck with ever since.

MSNBC even went so far as to publish a report in which it supposedly “proved” Biden was “sharp” by citing a Politico piece from nearly three years earlier claiming that seven GOP Senators privately admitted that Biden was “well-versed on the issues.”

But obviously, their efforts haven’t stopped all of the videos that fully display Biden’s physical and cognitive decline from going viral online.

With their strategy failing, Democrats and their media allies have decided to take a different route.

“Cheap fake videos”

They’re now simply claiming that the videos are fake.

As Trending Politics co-owner Collin Rugg pointed out on X, after numerous videos emerged in which President Biden froze up on stage and had to be led off stage by former President Barack Obama during a fundraiser, left-wing “influencers” claimed that the videos somehow did not show what Americans plainly saw.

“For the record, this did not happen and is a total lie,” left-wing grifter David Hogg claimed.

“MAGA IS LYING AGAIN,” another left-wing grifter added. “The new lie is that Biden had to be ‘led off stage’ by Obama and that he ‘froze’ but that is COMPLETELY FALSE!”

Of course, the videos couldn’t be more clear about what really happened.

Likewise, Jean-Pierre later claimed that other videos in which Biden is seen freezing up, wandering off, or becoming very confused are “cheap fake videos.”

“I think you all have called this the cheap fakes video, and that’s exactly what they are – they are cheap fake videos,” Jean-Pierre whined. “They’re done in bad faith. And some of your news organizations have, have been very clear, have stressed that these right-wing – the right-wing critics of the President have a credibility problem because fact-checkers have repeatedly caught them pushing misinformation, disinformation.”

According to the Biden regime and their Democrat allies, Americans shouldn’t believe what they see with their own eyes.

Instead, they should simply trust them and their “fact-checkers.”

Patriot Political will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.