Joe Biden was spitting mad after court documents proved he colluded with this radical group

Michael Stokes, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

It seems like every day brings more bad news for Joe Biden.

He’s under fire for everything from the border to the failed economy to his son Hunter to his own legal and ethical problems.

But Joe Biden was spitting mad after court documents proved he colluded with this radical group.

We now know Joe Biden colluded with Big Tech and the mainstream media to change the outcome of the 2020 election.

Even more disturbing collusion comes to light

And now even more disturbing news of Biden administration collusion has come to light.

According to recently unsealed court documents, a Biden administration official pressured the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) to rapidly issue new guidelines removing minimum age recommendations for transgender procedures.

The changes were made in WPATH’s Standards of Care Version 8 (SOC-8) and were a direct result of active efforts by the Biden administration.

And they did this despite a complete lack of any scientific evidence to justify the move.

In fact, according to a report by Canadian sex researcher James Cantor, WPATH saw “evidence-based” medicine as a threat to its “policy goals” and allowed its decision to be influenced by “political pressure, litigation, legislative advocacy strategy, and the financial self-interest of WPATH members.” 

Cantor’s report included internal WPATH communications that revealed Biden’s Assistant Secretary for Health, Rachel Levine, pushed for the policy changes in order to help advance the Biden administration’s political goals.

Levine even had a staff member push for the removal of “specific listings of ages” that could “result in devastating legislation for trans care.”

“I have just spoken to Admiral Levine today, who — as always, is extremely supportive of the SOC 8, but also very eager for its release — so as to ensure integration in the US health policies of the Biden government,” one message from a WPATH member read. “So, let’s crack on with the job!!!”

Another message included that Levine’s fervor for the changes “should be taken as a charge from the United States government to do what is required to complete the project immediately.”

Despite the changes pushed by the Biden administration and ultimately made by WPATH, internal communications show some WPATH members who were responsible for developing the new guidelines were worried about the voracity of their evidence. 

And many of the members agreed privately that there is “no agreement” on the use of puberty blockers.

A consensus does not exist

“I’m not clear on which ‘agreement regarding the value of blockers’ is required to be espoused by a WPATH member/mentor,” one message read. “My understanding is that a global consensus on ‘puberty blockers’ does not exist.”

Cantor’s report further stated that WPATH did not ask the committee members to identify conflicts of interest.

They failed to do so even though some committee members worked as paid expert witnesses in legal cases about transgender procedures.

One member explained during WPATH’s annual conference that minimum age recommendations were removed “to protect clinicians from lawsuits should the clinician decide to provide a treatment to someone younger than a specified age minimum.”

“Again, this reflects both the existence and the harmful impact of the financial conflict of interest that WPATH and its members faced while developing SOC-8,” Cantor wrote.

Once again, the Biden administration has shown that they simply don’t care about the harm their policies cause or the science they ignore.

Patriot Political will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.