Pope Francis seems to be hiding something with comments that have enraged LGBTQ activists

https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Portrait_of_Pope_Francis_(2021)_FXD.jpg, Quirinale, via Wikimedia Commons

Pope Francis has been paving the way for the radical Left agenda over the past few years.

But the Pope recently sent LGBTQ activists into a feeding frenzy.

And Pope Francis seems to be hiding something with comments that have enraged LGBTQ activists.

Pope Francis draws outrage after using the word “frociaggine”

Pope Francis has stirred up controversy for the Catholic Church in recent weeks. 

After more than a decade of left-leaning policies, people wonder what is going on. 

Reports from Italian news outlets suggest that the pope used a derogatory slur aimed at gay men during a meeting with 200 priests at Rome’s Salesian Pontifical University.  

Pope Francis allegedly used the word “frociaggine,” which means “faggotness” in Italian. 

This is reportedly the second time in the past month that the Pope has used the term. 

The Vatican was quick to respond to the news. 

“The Pope never intended to offend or express himself in homophobic terms and he apologizes to those who felt offended by the use of a term reported by others,” the Vatican said without admitting he said it.

But some are suggesting that he might be trying to save face after recent appointments.

Pope appoints three pro-LGBTQ leaders to doctrinal office

The Pope has recently been very open to the idea of inviting more people from the LGBTQ community to the Catholic Church. 

But he stopped short of inviting them to priesthood. 

However, he recently appointed new church leadership to the Vatican’s doctrinal office who are activists for the LGBTQ agenda.

Cardinal José Tolentino, Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, and Archbishop Bruno Forte are all outspoken members of the Church and have pushed for a relaxed stance on homosexuality. 

Tolentino has been a huge supporter of former nun Maria Teresa Forcades I Vila, who was castigated over her takes on “queer theology.” 

Semeraro has made a name for himself in the “Catholic-gay movement’ and uses his diocese as the center of it all. 

Forte is credited with beginning the conversation around the Church’s acceptance of gay relationships.

He authored sections of the first Synod on the Family that focused on LGBTQ lifestyles.

Francis was named “Person of the Year” for Advocate

Pope Francis has long been considered the most LGBTQ friendly Pope in history. 

The LGBTQ activist news site Advocate has an entire page dedicated to the past 20 years of the papal relationship with their community. 

And things took a dramatic turn under Pope Francis.

In 2013, Advocate named the Pope its “Person of the Year” for his revolutionary take on homosexual lifestyles in the Catholic Church. 

They have celebrated his stance on parenting “gay children” and his praise for a “gay children’s book.” 

Perhaps one of their proudest moments was when Francis called on Christians to apologize for being discriminatory towards the LGBTQ community. 

That comment was made in 2016 after the Pulse Nightclub shooting. 

Francis said he believed that “the Church must ask for forgiveness.” 

Francis’ support for the LGBTQ community has been undeniable. 

And the idea that he would suddenly change is laughable.

Patriot Political will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.