Adam Sandler revealed one huge celebrity that he wants to be in Happy Gilmore 2

Photo by Glyn Lowe, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia,

Happy Gilmore is one of the funniest movies of Adam Sandler’s career.

The sequel could bring back some of the original cast and add some new names.

And Adam Sandler revealed one huge celebrity that he wants to be in Happy Gilmore 2.

Happy Gilmore effectively used cameos to make audiences laugh

The 1996 golfing comedy Happy Gilmore is regarded by many fans of comedian Adam Sandler as one of the best movies of his career.

Sandler played an angry hockey player who discovers he has a talent for golf.

He then shakes up the sport with hilarious results.

Happy Gilmore featured cameos from legendary sportscaster Verne Lundquist, golfer Lee Trevino, and comedian Ben Stiller.

The movie featured one of the greatest movie cameos of all time when Sandler’s character got into a knockdown, drag-out fight with Price is Right host Bob Barker at a celebrity golf tournament. 

Netflix confirmed that Happy Gilmore 2 is a go after months of speculation.

Adam Sandler talks about adding big names to Happy Gilmore 2

Sandler appeared on The Dan Patrick Show where he talked about some of his ideas for the sequel.

The comedian said he’s waiting for Tim Herlihy – who co-wrote Happy Gilmore – to finish a movie he’s currently working on before he can finalize the script.

“We have a million things like I told you, but I’ve just got to kind of make it flow a little more,” Sandler said. “But I think it might have to do with something to do with me being a little older now and still trying to compete with the youngsters.”

Sandler revealed that Herlihy went to the PGA Championship at Valhalla Golf Club in Louisville, Kentucky, where he ran into golfer John Daly.

“Herlihy, he went down to the tournament this weekend and hung out with some of the guys,” Sandler said. “He hung out with Daly a little bit and Daly was telling some great stories. We’re ready, baby. We’re excited.”

He added that he’s a big fan of Daly and thought that the golfer would be game for a part in Happy Gilmore 2.

Daly is one of the most colorful characters in professional golf.

During the first round of the PGA Championship, he reportedly “went through two packs of cigarettes, four Snickers bars, and two Cokes.”

Host Dan Patrick asked Sandler if he would try to get golf legend Tiger Woods in the film.

“I would love it. We’ll see,” Sandler said. “I’m gonna write all my dreams, and then you never know what’s gonna happen. But we’re gonna [try].”

Bob Barker passed away last year, but Sandler previously said that he would try to get Price is Right host Drew Carey for the sequel.

“I would love Drew Carey to be in this movie out of respect to Bob,” Sandler said. “When we were writing stuff, Bob was alive.”

Dan Patrick is confirmed for a cameo in Happy Gilmore 2, continuing his tradition of having cameos in Sandler’s movies.

The Happy Gilmore sequel is finally beginning to take shape.

Patriot Political will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.