Baseball fans were speechless over this once-in-a-lifetime epic play 

Rdikeman at the English-language Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0,, via Wikimedia Commons

No other spot has as rich of a tradition and history as baseball. 

Records show that people have played this cherished pastime for nearly 200 years, developing rules, superstitions, and time-honored traditions along the way. 

But baseball fans were speechless over this once-in-a-lifetime epic play. 

Even the most avid of baseball fans were not prepared for this epic play

This year’s Major League Baseball season has nearly reached its halfway mark, and some teams have already shown that they are ready for the playoffs. 

The Philadelphia Phillies have started the season off particularly strong, leading the highly competitive NL East division by a significant margin. 

Everything has clicked very well for the Phillies, from their stellar hitting to their lights-out pitching to their quick and seamless fielding. 

However, one particular play has historians and baseball fans alike picking their jaws up off the floor. 

During the Phillies matchup against the Detroit Tigers last Monday night, the Phillies managed to pull off an ultra-rare 1-3-5 triple play. 

That means that the pitcher (1) caught the initial out, then turned to first base (3) and got the runner out before he could get back to first, who then turned to third base (5) as the runner mistakenly dashed for home plate. 

According to sports experts, this exciting play marked the first 1-3-5 triple play since the Tigers ironically enough pulled one off against the Red Sox on July 11, 1929. 

This means that baseball fans have not seen a triple play of this sort in nearly 95 years. 

Ace Phillies Pitcher Aaron Nola reflected on this extremely rare play to reporters after the game.

He told the press that “I realized [what might happen] after I threw it to first.”

“It happened so quickly. It was pretty cool. I guess it was a good way to get out of the inning,” the Phillies superstar added. 

Although the Phillies have not pulled off any plays like this one so far this season, they have managed to set themselves apart from just about every ball club in Major League Baseball. 

Few teams seem prepared to face them in the playoffs.

However, any sensible baseball fan would point out that there are still plenty of games left to play.

The Phillies recent triple play demonstrates the historic nature of baseball

Few games, if any, have stood the test of time quite like baseball has. 

For centuries, Americans have enjoyed playing, watching, and talking about this cherished sport. 

Baseball critics often complain that baseball does not have enough action. 

However, the recent once-in-a-lifetime 1-3-5 triple play shows that baseball is full of excitement. 

It also shows that you never know what to expect when heading out to the ballpark for a casual Monday night matchup. 

Patriot Political will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.