Nancy Pelosi had one bizarre response to the pro-Hamas protesters gathered outside her home

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

While she may have lost her position as Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) still has some fight left in her.

But sometimes the substance of what she has to say leads to plenty of head scratching.

And Nancy Pelosi had one bizarre response to the pro-Hamas protesters gathered outside her home.

Democrat politicians are in a real bind these days.

For many years, leadership allowed its more radical fringe supporters an increasing say in the Democrat Party’s political direction.

But now that the radicals are siding with Palestine over Israel, Nancy Pelosi and other Democrat bigwigs are running for the hills.

Long-time Democrat political leader Nancy Pelosi has had a rough couple of years.

In 2022, Republicans swept to a narrow victory in the House of Representatives and ended Pelosi’s Speakership for the second time.

After a recurring habit spanning multiple years of confusing former Presidents Donald Trump and George W. Bush, the now 83-year old Pelosi had something new to say that led to some confusion.

Pelosi: The pro-Palestinian protesters are a Russian conspiracy

While appearing on CNN’s State of the Union, Pelosi told anchor Dana Bash that the pro-Palestinian protesters calling for a ceasefire in Gaza were tied to Russia and were spreading President Vladimir Putin’s “message.”

When faced with any inconvenient truth, like Trump winning the 2016 election fair and square, the first instinct for Democrats is to blame the Russians.

“For [the pro-Palestinian protesters] to call for a cease-fire is Mr. Putin’s message, Mr. Putin’s message,” Pelosi said. “Make no mistake, this is directly connected to what he would like to see. Same thing with Ukraine. It’s about Putin’s message.” 

“I think some of these protesters are spontaneous and organic and sincere,” she continued. “Some, I think, are connected to Russia. And I say that having looked at this for a long time now, as you know.  The FBI should investigate the situation further.”

But it got even weirder the next day when she let Putin off the hook in favor of a new alleged culprit.

Pelosi Take Two: On second thought, no, it was the Chinese

When the pro-Palestinian protesters came to her house and caused a ruckus by calling for a ceasefire, Pelosi shouted “go back to China!” where their headquarters were located.

It wasn’t just a one-off, as Pelosi repeated the China line a few more times.

After some confusion at the prospect that Pelosi may have had another “oops” moment, many speculated that she was possibly referring to the anti-war group Code Pink, which is tied to China through founder Jodie Evans and her husband, Shanghai-based tech entrepreneur Neville Roy Singham.

After the exchange with the protesters, Pelosi got into her chauffeured vehicle and left.

The worry for other elected Democrats in more competitive areas is that they may not be able to leave the more radical elements of their Party behind so quickly.

And that sets up a challenging environment for the fall.

Patriot Political will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.