One California man terrorized a neighborhood for years with this unusual weapon

Photo by Enric Cruz López from Pexels

It’s no secret that some people in the world are just completely unhinged.

While the majority of Americans simply want to live their lives in peace, some people spend their time terrorizing their fellow citizens.

But one California man terrorized a neighborhood for years with this unusual weapon.

81-year-old “serial slingshot shooter” arrested

An 81-year-old man named Prince Raymond King was arrested while being served a search warrant after authorities determined he had been terrorizing a Southern California neighborhood with a slingshot for years.

Azusa Police Department detectives said they “learned that during the course of 9-10 years, dozens of citizens were being victimized by a serial slingshot shooter.”

The slingshot shooter had been striking the windows of homes, denting car windshields, and even making some dangerously close calls with several people in the Azusa neighborhood.

Authorities said the myriad of incidents had been ongoing for almost a decade.

The Azusa Police Department finally launched a thorough investigation once they heard about the “quality of life issues” that were affecting people in a neighborhood approximately 25 miles east of Los Angeles. 

When serving the warrant at the residence of the accused, police found ball bearings and a slingshot inside.

According to Police Lieutenant Jake Bushey, no injuries had been reported.

However, detectives discovered that most of the ball bearings were being launched from King’s backyard, but some of them were sent hurtling from a nearby neighborhood.

Bushey said, “It’s been ongoing for many years because we just didn’t identify who the suspect was. We’re not aware of any kind of motive other than just malicious mischief.”

Footage captured by local news outlet ABC7 showed several windows with various levels of damage.

Some of the windows had pellet-sized holes and others were shattered entirely.

The department finally carried out a search warrant in King’s neighborhood earlier this month and nabbed the slingshot shooter once and for all.

King was arrested and is currently being held in Men’s Central Jail in Los Angeles.

Social media responds

After the Azusa Police Department posted the press release regarding King’s arrest on Facebook, several people spoke up about the incident.

One person claimed King had shot their dog with ball bearings in the past.

They also commented that he typically seemed to “[run] off unwanted squatters” with the slingshot.

However, one user noted that “they broke the back window of my husband’s car, probably the same guy. His dirty hobby cost us $700.”

Others are asking why there is no photo being posted of the man now that he’s been caught.

The consensus is that most people are happy King was finally detained and will now have to face a judge.

One Facebook user wrote “how sad so many people were victimized by this one person. Good job bringing him in before he took out someone’s eye!”

Patriot Political will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.