Anglers were stunned when this teenager made one catch he will never forget

Cephas, CC BY-SA 3.0,, via Wikimedia Commons

Any good fisherman will tell you that successful fishing often requires patience, preparation, and the right gear.

However, even the most skilled fishermen cannot always predict what looms in the cold depths of the water. 

And anglers were stunned when this teenager made one catch he will never forget. 

This Pennsylvania teen just etched his way into the history books with this epic catch 

Few things top getting out on the water, cracking open a cold beer, and waiting for the fish to bite. 

The only thing that can top some relaxing time on the water is catching a massive beast. 

And this fantasy became a reality for 19-year-old Christopher Barrett of Pennsylvania while fishing with his father last April. 

In April, Christopher went on a routine fishing trip with his father.

He was just hoping to spend some quality time with him. 

But out of nowhere, he felt a massive tug on his line.  

He reeled in as fast as he could and thought that he had hooked a bass or a carp. 

After landing the fish, he realized he actually caught a white perch, which usually does not put up such a ferocious fight. 

Upon further inspection, he realized that this white perch weighed two pounds and one ounce, which shattered the previous state record by five ounces. 

Most anglers are simply grateful to get out on the water, never mind catching a state-record fish with their dad. 

Talk about a once-in-a-lifetime experience. 

The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) released a statement on the catch last week in a press release. 

“After navigating Darby Creek, the pair entered the Delaware River and began fishing just below the Commodore Barry Bridge, near Chester,” they wrote. “Christopher and his father were using heavy duty spinning rods fitted with fish finder rigs and circle hooks baited with bloodworms to target striped bass and catfish but were also catching white perch.”

The PFB’s report then details the moment the father-son duo reeled in the fish.

“At around 11 a.m., Barrett reeled in a particularly large perch that caught the attention of both anglers,” they wrote.

Officials noted that the fish measured 14.125 inches long and had a girth of 12.25 inches.

Barret recounted this experience.

He said “I’m so grateful for this record, but even more excited that I got to share this experience with my dad.” 

“We go fishing all the time together and it’s our favorite thing in the world to do.  We’ll never forget this,” the elated 19-year-old added. 

Christopher Barrett’s story shows that there are plenty of epic fish out there waiting to be caught 

As Christopher Barrett explained, few things beat spending time with your dad. 

In today’s world, many kids just want to sit inside and play on their iPads or on their gaming systems. 

Most people will never catch a state-record fish.

However, they certainly won’t catch one if they stay indoors. 

Patriot Political will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.