Michael Landon’s daughter just revealed a shocking truth about his health

photo by Alan Light, CC BY 2.0, creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

If you grew up during the 1970s and 1980s, you probably remember shows like Little House on the Prairie and Highway to Heaven.

These beloved TV shows were anchored by legendary actor Michael Landon.

And Michael Landon’s daughter just revealed a shocking truth about his health.

Landon’s daughter said he did not make health a “priority”

Iconic American actor Michael Landon was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in April of 1991 and died three months later at the age of 54.

But his daughter just revealed how he didn’t prioritize his health before the diagnosis.

Leslie Landon Matthews is the daughter of Michael Landon and she recently spoke to Fox News about her father.

“The one thing that I know was part of my dad’s personality was his stubbornness,” she said. “And I don’t think staying on top of his health was a priority. I think he put it aside. I know that my mom often talked about how getting him to his physicals was always a feat.”

Leslie also said that by the time her father started dealing with the “uncontrollable pain” in his stomach while on vacation, he finally “couldn’t ignore it anymore” and flew home early to see a doctor.

Landon played Charles Ingalls on the television show Little House on the Prairie.

His daughter appeared on the show as a school teacher named Etta Plum.

When speaking to Fox News, Leslie said if her dad was still alive today that “he would say, ‘boy, I blew it. I really should have been staying on top of my health every year and making sure I was getting a full checkup.’”

Landon appeared on The Tonight Show in 1991 and said he was trying to keep his spirits up during his battle with cancer.

“For any of the families out there who have a relative who has cancer, they know how tough the fight is and how important the mental attitude is. You pull together, and you keep a very, very up attitude,” he said.

Landon also noted that it was important to keep an ‘’I’m going to beat it’ kind of thing, because mentality is more than 50% of your medicine.”

Michael Landon was an influential force

Many fellow actors have praised Michael Landon as being a positive influence in their lives over the years.

Actress Shannen Doherty recently paid tribute to Landon during her podcast by saying that he was a mentor to her when she starred in Little House on the Prairie.

She also said that working with Landon sparked her passion for acting.

“He was just unbelievable. So, so, so talented, so kind, so considerate. It really helped shape me,” Doherty said.

Landon was survived by nine children.

Leslie and her brother, Michael Landon Jr., attended a cast reunion and festival in Simi Valley, California, earlier this year to celebrate the show’s 50th anniversary.

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