Mike Lee is sounding the alarm about a Biden border initiative that’s rolling out the red carpet for terrorists

https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_the_Transportation_Security_Administration.svg">Transportation Security Administration; vector version by Flagvisioner, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The impact of the Biden border crisis is being felt by working class Americans nationwide.

But things can always get much worse.

And Mike Lee is sounding the alarm about a Biden border initiative that’s rolling out the red carpet for terrorists.

A national security crisis of epic proportions

During a recent appearance on Fox Business, Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) put on a full-court press to stress the importance of the VALID Act, which he will soon introduce in the Senate.

Lee is putting the VALID Act forward in order to ban the Biden Transportation Security Administration (TSA) from continuing to allow illegal aliens who utilize the CBP One app to enter the U.S.

The Biden regime unilaterally launched the CBP One app in January.

It allows illegal aliens to pre-apply for entry into the U.S. before they actually enter the country illegally.

When they arrive at the border, they can be quickly processed and freely released into the country with only a promise that they’ll eventually return for a hearing on their immigration status.

As Senator Lee pointed out to Fox Business, TSA has even allowed illegal aliens to use the CBP One app as a form of ID, which allows illegal aliens to use whatever name or alias they please.

“TSA shouldn’t be accepting that app as a form of ID because it requires no valid ID,” Lee explained to Fox Business’ Stuart Varney. “All you have to do is fill it out, put in whatever name, whatever biographical information you choose to. Then you can get into the country.”

But most importantly, the Utah Senator is gravely concerned that handing out such free passes to illegal aliens without verifying who they actually are first is nothing but one big welcome mat for terrorists.

Terrorists love Biden’s valet service for illegal aliens

Six Russian and Tajikistani nationals were recently arrested by federal law enforcement over ties to ISIS.

One of them entered the country using the CBP One app.

“What’s really scary is that we don’t know anything about the other hundreds of thousands of people who have gotten in using the CBP One app,” Lee warned. “This one in particular we know is a terrorist. How many other terrorists are out there, Stuart, who got into the country the same way, using the app?”

Lee proceeded to blast the Biden regime for the sheer stupidity of allowing any illegal alien with access to the app to freely enter the country without ID while requiring law-abiding American citizens to present an ID in order to exercise their basic freedom to travel.

“U.S. citizens, when they board a plane in Denver bound for Salt Lake City or anywhere else, they have to present a valid form of ID,” Lee said. “Likewise, when a U.S. citizen leaves the country, they’ve gotta have a passport so they can get back in. Illegal aliens don’t have to produce either one. All they need is access to a phone and the CBP One mobile app and they can enter in whatever they want.”

Lee didn’t let his Democrat colleagues in Congress off the hook.

He slammed them for defending Biden’s open borders scheme with verifiable lies.

“Keep in mind, Stuart, the Democrats have been insisting over and over again that the need for the VALID Act just didn’t exist because, as they put it, [the CBP APP is] not being abused,” Lee said. “‘It’s being utilized properly. Nobody’s getting in who shouldn’t be.’ Some even claim that it wasn’t a substitute for a valid form of ID. All that is untrue, and it’s been proven yet again untrue by our discovery of this known terrorist who we now know got into the country using the CBP One app.”

As the Daily Caller noted back in November, the New York Times ran a so-called “fact check” in which they deemed Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ warning that terrorists were entering the U.S. through the southern border as “false.”

Whether or not Democrats and their media allies want to admit their lies, their open borders insanity continues to put working class Americans in grave danger.

And unless Senator Mike Lee’s VALID Act is enacted into law, the Biden regime will only continue to allow terrorists a free pass to enter the country.

Patriot Political will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.