Celebrities flocked to social media and screamed into the void at this massive cable news network

Josh Hallett from Winter Haven, Florida, United States, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Everyone knows that Hollywood celebrities are mostly left-wing nutcases who don’t have a clue about reality.

Everyone also knows that these left-wing elites will never be happy unless their candidate is constantly praised.

And celebrities flocked to social media and screamed into the void at this massive cable news network.

Celebrities slam CNN’s handling of debate

Several Hollywood stars expressed their ire at CNN during the recent Presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

But it was really Biden who had the problem, as he stumbled, mumbled, and wheezed his way through the entire event.

Celebrities like John Cusack, Ellen Barkin, Barbra Streisand, and others lashed out at the CNN moderators and acted like it was their job to hold Biden’s hand through the ordeal.

“What is wrong with these two moderators who let Trump change the subject?” Streisand posted on X. “They ask him a question, but then let him go on a rampage about something else. Not fair!”

80s film actor John Cusack also joined the fray.

 “Jake Tapper – Dana Bash – wash their hands of truth,” he wrote.

Charles Pierce posted on X that CNN “managed to utterly debase itself” and that “David Challan should be fired right now.”

Cusack retweeted the comments from Pierce and said “that is the story.”

Actress Ellen Barkin also joined in on the screaming and yelling about CNN.

 “CNN debate is a Trump campaign rally only sponsored by @CNN,” she wrote.

She also posted that “this is going well… first question is a Biden attack.”

Network television actress Sophia Bush posted that “I’d wager none of us can fathom why none of these moderators are fact-checking Trump’s stream of lies?”

More celebrities express their anger

As the night went on, more famous people took to social media to blame both CNN and the DNC.

“How can you debate a liar?” Jena Friedman posted.

80s actor John Cryer responded by retweeting the question and adding, “especially if the moderators won’t say a word about it.”

Actress and wife of comedian David Cross posted that “this on the @DNC. I hope the party is having a hard conversation tonight.”

General Hospital star Nancy Lee Grahn went off on CNN’s moderators.

The soap opera actress ranted on X that “a bully unleashed to punch & lie repeatedly without constraint is not a debate. It’s a terrorist attack. CNN moderators were unprepared, unable to be present, questioned like AI robots & missing every Godd***** important issue & moment that matters & contributing to our demise.”

Even an ex-CNN employee had something to say about the debate. 

Brian Steltzer, who was listening to the debate only on audio, posted that “I’m listening on the radio, and the audible difference between Biden and Trump is really striking.”

Patriot Political will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.