Hollywood made one wrong move in this rescue mission to save Joe Biden

Thomas Wolf, www.foto-tw.de, CC BY-SA 3.0, creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

It’s all hands on deck to try and save Joe Biden’s struggling re-election campaign.

Democrats are looking to the entertainment industry for a Hail Mary. 

And Hollywood made one wrong move in this rescue mission to save Joe Biden.

Hollywood is trying to help Joe Biden with younger voters

President Joe Biden is hemorrhaging support from key parts of the Democrat base ahead of the 2024 election.

According to polling, younger voters are abandoning his campaign and there’s little enthusiasm for them to turn out this November.

Younger voters staying at home on Election Day or defecting to former President Donald Trump is a five-alarm political fire for the Biden campaign.

That’s why Hollywood is trying to ride to the rescue of Biden with a new advertising campaign aimed at younger voters.

Movie industry veterans launched Won’t PAC Down with a goal of raising $25 million to craft ads to convince voters under 30 to support Biden.

The PAC hired millennial and Gen Z movie industry talent from shows like Saturday Night Live, Parks and Recreation, and Big Mouth for the effort.

Young writers, directors, and producers are brainstorming in a monthly meeting in downtown Los Angeles about how to market the 81-year-old President to Gen Z.

Won’t PAC Down is planning on running on ads on social media and streaming services beginning in July.

Hollywood is avoiding celebrity pitchmen to reach young voters

“The hope, officials involved with the super PAC say, is that ads that are crafted for and by a younger, online audience can more effectively reach nonpolitical voters under 30. And for that reason, the group plans to avoid the crutch that other politics-meets-Hollywood ventures have deployed: splashy celebrity videos meant to go viral online,” Politico reported.

Won’t PAC Down head writer Travis Helwig – a Democrat podcast veteran – said the effort was about using younger Hollywood creative talent to develop a message that resonated with the under-30 crowd.

“There’s a big difference between putting a celebrity on camera and having them say, ‘if you liked me in Madame Web, then you’re going to love voting,’ versus what we’re doing,” Helwig explained.  “We’re taking the best young writers and directors, who are the age and demographics of the people we’re targeting, using poll-tested messaging, and shaping it in a way that will resonate with young people and get them excited.”

Hollywood trying to ride to the rescue is a sure sign that Democrats are panicking about Biden’s cratering support among young voters.

According to exit polling, Biden carried under 30 voters by 25 points in the 2020 election.

But his job approval with them dropped to a meager 25% in a recent Gallup poll.

This is one of the lowest levels of support ever recorded for a Democrat President in that age bracket.

Like other demographics, younger voters are souring on Biden because of the dismal state of the country.

A bunch of Hollywood elites trying to come up with a slick marketing campaign can’t change the harsh reality that younger Americans are experiencing during the Biden Presidency.

Patriot Political will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.