Pastor Jack Graham just issued a dark warning about the state of the American Christian Church

KetefHinnomFan, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

America can only survive as a country because it has a solid foundation built on Christian values.

But the country is quickly entering a period of moral decay that is reaching every corner of society.

And Pastor Jack Graham just issued a dark warning about the state of the American Christian Church.

Pastor Jack Graham celebrates 50 million downloads

Pastor Jack Graham is the senior pastor at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, Texas.

Graham has been preaching the gospel since he was 20 years old.

After 50 years, he’s still focused on bringing people to Christ and sharing the importance of a Biblical worldview with them.

Graham has always worked hard to put himself in the media with numerous appearances on television and radio.

But in recent years, the pastor has moved into the digital space with his Pray app that boasts the podcast: Bible in a Year with Jack Graham.

The app has been downloaded more than 50 million times.

And the podcast is ranked number-one for religious content on Spotify and Apple.

“Initially, I thought a couple hundred thousand downloads would be a success, but there’s such a hunger for God’s Word,” he said in comments to the Christian Post.

“People just don’t know what the Bible says”

“People want to know, what does the Bible actually say?” Graham explained.

This is a major problem, but also an opportunity to spread God’s Word.

“People just don’t know what the Bible says. So we go by our feelings, or we go by culture, we go by what our friends are saying, or even maybe what our parents said,” he continued.

Graham said the only thing that he has wanted all along is “to get people to open their Bibles and to help explain what the Bible says” about important issues.

“People want to know, ‘What does the Bible say to my family, to my children, how I raise my kids?’” he said.

“I believe that the Church right now needs to be on the cutting edge of preventative work in terms of our children, preparing them to answer the big questions that are coming their way,” he said.

Graham believes we need to give our children “faith to live by and not to abandon.”

“I just believe that we overcome evil with good”

The pastor recognizes the challenge that the Church faces, but said that he is “optimistic” about the future.

At a time when “there is an extreme interest in the Bible,” Satan will continue to “resist.”

But Graham believes that the more “sin abounds, grace much more abounds.”

“I just believe that we overcome evil with good,” he said.

Graham said now is not the time to be “discouraged.”

“God is opening doors like we’ve never seen before,” he said.

The pastor urged Christians not to give up just because the world is “wanting to cancel the Bible and check the Bible off.”

“The Bible lives because the Bible is the inspired, inerrant, infallible, indestructible Word of God, and God’s Word will prevail over all of its enemies,” Graham said.

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