Robert Kennedy Jr. just made a proposal to Joe Biden that proves he’s in bed with the Democrats

Robert Kennedy Jr. has been trying to use his Independent bid to pull votes from Republicans.

While some people might have been fooled by his libertarian talking points, others have remained skeptical.

And Robert Kennedy Jr. just made a proposal to Joe Biden that proves he’s in bed with the Democrats.

Robert Kennedy Jr. joins Dr. Phil as Biden and Trump debate 

Robert Kennedy Jr. abandoned his bid for the Democrat Party’s nomination in October of last year. 

The goal was to replace Biden in the Democrat primaries, but he fell short and switched to an Independent ticket. 

Now the unlikely challenger is fighting to stay relevant after being kept out of the first Presidential debate. 

While Donald Trump and Joe Biden were debating, a one-on-one interview between Dr. Phil and Kennedy aired on Merit Street Media. 

The two discussed a variety of topics, including the Cuban Missile Crisis and the COVID-19 response. 

But one part of the interview shocked the American people.

Discussing the current frontrunners in the race, Kennedy said there had to be better options and added that it was crucial to beat Donald Trump. 

Kennedy claims that he is not a “spoiler” in this race

“We will co-fund a poll together, the two of us in October, and whomever is least likely to beat Donald Trump will withdraw,” he told Dr. Phil. 

Kennedy said that he doesn’t want to be viewed as a third-party spoiler who simply takes votes away from each candidate.

It’s clear that Kennedy is concerned about whether he has the support to win in November. 

The offer to work with the Biden campaign to beat Trump may be his last chance. 

“Do I expect that he will take that deal? No, but I’m not a spoiler,” he said. 

Kennedy went on to explain that a spoiler “is somebody who cannot win, and they stay in and disrupt the expectations of somebody who can.”

The Kennedy website details the proposal that would shut down the three-way race.

Kennedy’s proposal makes it clear that he only cares about one thing

The Kennedy campaign has been working on their “No Spoiler Pledge” for nearly two months. 

But this might be the first time it was heard by a large swathe of the American public. 

The campaign site explains exactly how it would work.

Kennedy would like to fund a 50-state poll in October that surveys over 30,000 likely voters. 

The poll would be conducted under the guidance and funding of the Biden and Kennedy campaigns. 

The survey would ask people to consider two separate hypothetical scenarios, an election between Trump and Kennedy and an election between Biden and Kennedy.

Whoever performs the best against Donald Trump would stay in the race through November, but the loser would walk away and endorse the winner. 

Kennedy based this idea off of a poll by John Zogby Strategies that suggested he had a better chance at beating Donald Trump. 

Regardless of whether Biden accepts this offer, it proves that the only thing that Kennedy wants is to help the radical Left stop Donald Trump.

Patriot Political will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.