The media totally ignored this inconvenient admission by the former head of the CDC

Senator Chris Coons, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The mainstream media loved every second of the COVID hysteria that rocked the planet in 2020.

But when political control shifted to the Democrats, they forgot that the pandemic ever happened.

And the media totally ignored this inconvenient admission by the former head of the CDC.

Chris Cuomo tries to restore public trust in an interview with Dr. Robert Redfield

It’s been four years since the COVID epidemic rocked our nation, but people may never forget what they were put through during that time. 

They will never forget the fear mongering by the media, the extreme measures by state and local governments, and the vilification of conscientious objectors.

All of it left Americans with a different perspective on how the world works and who they can trust. 

There wasn’t a day that went by when people didn’t see death and hospitalization trackers on every news channel. 

But somehow that all went away the moment that Biden became President.

Former CNN host Chris Cuomo is trying to rebuild his public image by making it a point to remind people about COVID. 

The veteran journalist conducted an interview in May with former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield. 

And the mainstream media conveniently ignored it.

Experts “would make up the answer” when they didn’t have one

In the interview that aired on NewsNation, Cuomo asked Redfield if the United States should put together a commission to look back at the COVID response. 

Redfield said that it “would be useful.” 

“There’s been so much credibility lost in the public science groups, NIH, FDA, CDC, because I think there was a lack of, really, just transparency,” the former CDC Director said.

One of the bigger problems that Redfield highlighted was an unwillingness by experts to admit that they didn’t have all of the answers. 

But that’s not the worst part. 

“All too often people would make up the answer” if they didn’t have one, he explained. 

Redfield said that anyone who questioned the guidance was “canceled because no one wanted to talk about the potential” that the government was taking the wrong path. 

And he specifically pointed to the rollout of the COVID vaccines.

Vaccines “absolutely should never have been mandated”

“We have to be honest, some people got significant side effects from the vaccine,” Redfield said. 

This comment just a few years ago would have been scrutinized by Cuomo and probably by Redfield himself. 

The Trump era CDC Director showed his frustration for the disregard toward natural immunity and the vaccine mandates that emerged under Biden.

Redfield said that the vaccines “absolutely never should have been mandated” and that it was a “terrible decision.” 

Instead, there should have been a focus on the elderly and those with comorbidities. 

“They’re important for the most vulnerable people, those over 65 years of age, they really aren’t for those under 50 or younger,” he said.  

Redfield described the decision to mandate vaccination for public service employees like firefighters, police, hospital workers, and teachers as “emotional.” 

And the former CDC Director believes that the Biden administration should have “always honored individual choice.” 


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