Louisiana is about to make sure pedophiles don’t reoffend

Bob Jagendorf, CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Violent crime has increased significantly in the past several years.

While that has often happened in tandem with lenient sentencing, one state is deciding to take a tougher approach.

And Louisiana is about to make sure pedophiles don’t reoffend.

Some of the most appalling crimes that occur are those where the victims are the most helpless.

This is especially true when it comes to children.

While the general trend in recent years has been to take a more lenient approach to criminal activity, it’s pretty clear that this hasn’t worked.

In cases where prosecutors, who won’t prosecute, have come to power, the results speak for themselves.

Even in far-Left San Francisco, radical District Attorney, Chesa Boudin, was recalled by the voters because of a crime surge.

In Louisiana, one judge is determined to ensure that his community won’t be turned into a haven for criminals on his watch.

A 54-year-old man called Glenn Sullivan Sr. of Springfield, Louisiana, pleaded guilty to four counts of second-degree rape earlier this month.

His victim was a 14-year-old girl.

According to the District Attorney’s office, the girl came forward in July of 2022 and accused Sullivan of raping her multiple times when she was 14 years old and impregnating her.

She said that Sullivan threatened to hurt her and her family if she told anyone about what had happened.

Short of the death penalty, it doesn’t get much stricter than this

Because of Sullivan’s admitted actions, he’s about to suffer a stiff penalty.

In addition to a 50-year prison sentence, he’s going to be physically castrated.

A state law stipulates that men convicted of certain rape offenses may be sentenced to chemical castration or the surgical removal of their testicles.

Sullivan chose to go the chemical-free route.

Assistant District Attorney, Brad Cascio, told WBRZ that, “I’ve had three people ordered to be chemically castrated but, to my knowledge, this is the first physical castration to be ordered. I felt that this case was a strong enough case and warranted such action. Sex crimes against juveniles are the most malicious crimes we prosecute. I intend on using every tool the legislature is willing to give us, including physical castration, to seek justice for the children in our community.”

District Attorney Scott M. Perrilloux said that the young victim is courageous.

Louisiana is taking these crimes seriously

Perrilloux said in a statement that, “so many of these types of cases go unreported because of fear. The strength it must have taken for this young woman to tell the truth in the face of threats and adversity is truly incredible.”

A new bill in the State Legislature aims to allow the same sentence to apply to more crimes.

It would allow a judge to order surgical castration, without the defendant’s consent, if the victim is under the age of 13.

The bill would also allow the punishment to be applied to less violent sex crimes, such as child pornography and video voyeurism.

In the end, hopefully this law serves as a warning to those who would harm young children.

Patriot Political will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.