Donald Trump Jr. is ready to go to war with the establishment after this big decision

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

Donald Trump Jr. has emerged as one of the fiercest fighters for his dad’s America First agenda.

He’s trying to make sure that a potential second term for Donald Trump delivers for conservatives.

Now Donald Trump Jr. is ready to go to war with the establishment after this big decision.

Donald Trump Jr. is preparing for a potential Presidential transition

Former President Donald Trump is leading Joe Biden in most polls nationally and in the crucial swing states that will decide the election.

A hard-fought General Election is still ahead for the former President, but preparations are being made for his potential return to the White House.

He needs to be prepared to hit the ground running on his first day back in office.

Since he has one term left in the Oval Office, he doesn’t have any time to waste trying to implement his agenda.

Donald Trump Jr. – who represents the America First wing in his father’s political orbit – and his brother, Eric Trump, are prepared to play a crucial role in the Presidential transition team.

They’re going to try and prevent one of the biggest problems that hampered Trump’s first term, which was personnel.

This time around they would take an active effort in making sure that any hires would be ideologically aligned with Trump and loyal to him.

“Neither brother would officially run Donald Trump’s transition team, but they’d take a lead in making sure government jobs are filled by Republicans aligned with Trump’s vision for the Party, the sources said,” Axios reported.

Weeding out GOP establishment figures who would undermine a Trump administration from within is paramount.

“Don Jr.’s goal ‘is to keep the John Boltons of the world outside a second Trump administration,’” a person close to him told Axios, referring to Donald Trump’s hawkish former national security adviser who wrote a bestselling book lambasting the former President.

One battle underway is the Vice Presidential pick, with some members of Trump’s orbit, like former White House advisor Kellyanne Conway, pushing for an establishment candidate like U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) for diversity reasons.

Trump Jr. has pushed his dad to pick a fighter to be his running mate, such as former Fox News host Tucker Carlson or U.S. Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH). 

The establishment is already trying to weasel their way back into Trump’s good graces with Biden’s re-election chances looking dicey.

Donald Trump Jr. becoming a gatekeeper for his father

Trump Jr. told Newsmax in March that his father’s America First agenda is now the dominant ideology in the GOP.

“People have to understand that America First, the MAGA movement, is the new Republican Party. That is conservatism today,” Trump Jr. said. “You know, there may be the Mitt Romneys and the Liz Cheneys out there. But that is a rare and dying breed.”

He told the New York Post that he planned to take a “very active” role in the Presidential transition as a gatekeeper against the establishment.

“Mostly just to make sure we stop some of the D.C. Swamp rats and the Swamp creatures from getting in there and doing their thing,” Trump Jr. stated.

Donald Trump Jr. keeping the establishment out of his dad’s White House would go a long way toward ensuring a second Trump term would be a success.

Patriot Political will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.