
A North Carolina man received an unexpected response after a strange night out in...

In today’s modern world, people should never expect that they aren’t being recorded. But people still get themselves caught up in crazy viral videos that...

Hollywood made one wrong move in this rescue mission to save Joe Biden

It’s all hands on deck to try and save Joe Biden’s struggling re-election campaign. Democrats are looking to the entertainment industry for a Hail Mary.  And...

Joe Biden made one awful decision about electric vehicles that drivers will hate

Joe Biden refuses to budge from his plan to force drivers into electric vehicles. With the clock ticking on his first term, he’s now trying...

Insanity was on full display as teens face a lengthy prison sentence for a...

The war against radical Left politicians doesn’t start and end with the federal government. Most of the problems we face in our country are happening...

Glenn Youngkin just dropped a truth bomb about this disturbing federal move

America’s adversaries have made considerable gains under Joe Biden’s watch.  Rather than push back, Joe Biden and his administration have helped line their pockets.  And Glenn...

A top Republican picked a fight with Joe Biden over this scary electric vehicle...

Joe Biden is moving full steam ahead with his electric vehicle revolution. But there’s a dark side to it that he doesn’t want the public...

Marjorie Taylor Greene dropped a truth bomb about God and George Floyd had Democrats...

It only took four years for someone in Washington, D.C. to finally speak the truth about George Floyd.  But thanks to Marjorie Taylor Greene, Democrats...

Gavin Newsom was fuming after he was handed this electric vehicle setback

Gavin Newsom is trying to export his extreme agenda to the rest of the country. But resistance is starting to build against the idea of...

Alvin Bragg is panicking after a lawsuit threatened to expose this sick reality

Alvin Bragg’s sham criminal case against Donald Trump was always motivated by politics. The terrible truth about the motivations behind his witch hunt will be...

One legendary rapper just put Joe Biden in his place with this election remark

For decades, Democrats have relied on ethnic minorities, young people, and women for electoral success.  Every path to victory for Democrats this year requires exceptional...

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