Simon and Schuster publishing sent a message to Joe Biden that is impossible to ignore

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

Joe Biden has to know how much the American public regrets having him as Commander in Chief.

The people have suffered through sky-high prices driven by insane policies.

But Simon and Schuster publishing sent a message to Joe Biden that is impossible to ignore.

Trump-centered books were a gold-mine for publishers

Joe Biden might really be the least popular President in American history. 

According to aggregate polling at Five-Thirty-Eight, you’d be hard pressed to find an American President who comes close to the low approval ratings of Biden, which are currently at 38 percent. 

The only President in the past 30 years who even came close was Donald Trump, but that could easily be attributed to a hostile press.

However, there’s one industry that tells a different story.

And that is the book industry.

When comparing Trump-centered book sales to those of Biden, it’s obvious that more people want to read about Trump. 

Numbers from NPD BookScan show that Michael Wolff’s Fire and Fury sold over one million copies and Bob Woodward and Robert Costa’s Peril sold over 400,000 copies.

Biden-centered books do not come close to these figures.

Biden is “Bookstore Poison”

Politico reported that Gabriel Debenedetti’s book, The Long Alliance, which focuses on the relationship between Joe Biden and Barack Obama, has only sold 1,500 hardcover copies. 

Chris Whipple’s The Fight of His Life, which told the story of Biden’s Presidency in 2023, has only sold 5,000 copies. 

Washington psychiatrist Justin Frank has been writing his On the Couch series since 2004 when he became a best-selling author with Bush on the Couch.

Since then, Frank has been writing a psychoanalytic analysis of every sitting President. 

Biden, however, won’t get a chance to sit on the couch.

The poor book sales don’t lie

 No one is interested in reading about Joe Biden. 

But this isn’t exactly a new development. 

Politico has reported on Biden’s lackluster book sales since at least 2022.

But now one publisher has made a major decision that Biden won’t be happy about.

“In another sign of the soft Biden book market”

Per Politico, Simon and Schuster has reportedly canceled a contract with Alex Thompson that has been in the works since 2021. 

Thompson was slated to write a tell-all story of Biden’s Presidency that is “filled with fresh reporting and informed by his work covering the President and the White House transition.”

Daniel Lippman brought the news to social media in a viral post last week.

“SCOOP: In another sign of the soft Biden book market, Simon and Schuster has withdrawn its contract with Axios’ Alex Thompson for a book about the Biden administration, two sources told me,” he wrote.

The book was set to hit shelves in the spring of 2024, but now Alex Thompson has confirmed that it’s in trouble.

“It’s true. But still writing it and aiming for 2025,” he said in response to Lippman’s social media post. 

Thompson went on to ask for publishers who might be interested to call or email him. 

Patriot Political will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.